Important information

Schaap Advocaten Notarissen, established in Rotterdam, is a partnership (maatschap) and registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 24479532. The partners (vennoten) are either private limited liability companies or natural persons. A list of the partners will be provided on request.

Professional organisations
Our lawyers are members of the Netherlands Bar (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten) and our civil-law notaries and candidate notaries are members of the Royal Dutch Association of Civil-law Notaries (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie).

Vat numbers
Schaap has the following Dutch VAT numbers:

  • legal profession: NL0020.35.637.B.01
  • notarial profession: NL0020.35.637.B.02

Clients’ account information
Schaap has the following clients’ accounts:

Civil-law notaries

Clients’ account at ING:

Attn.:              Schaap & Partners Not.Derdengelden
IBAN:             NL88 INGB 0653 7516 64

Clients’ account at ABN AMRO:

Attn.:              Schaap Notarissen Derdengelden
IBAN:             NL89 ABNA 0443 9100 49


Attn.:              Schaap Stichting Beheer Derdengelden
IBAN:             NL94 ABNA 0453 5012 22