Vincent van Werkhoven appointed partner at Schaap as of 1 January 2023

Schaap Advocaten Notarissen | 16 January 2023 | Reading time: less than 1 minute

Vincent van Werkhoven (1986) has been appointed partner at Schaap Advocaten Notarissen as of 1 January 2023. Vincent is a member of the real estate team – currently as a candidate civil-law notary – and advises and assists property owners and lenders, including bank lenders, both nationally and internationally, on the transfer of properties subject to registration, the establishment of leasehold rights and rights of superficies and the establishment and exercise of mortgage, pledge and other security rights. Vincent studied Notarial Law at Leiden University and has been a candidate civil-law notary at Schaap since 2014. In addition to his notarial work, Vincent is active, as the sole representative of the Netherlands, within the working group “Runder Tisch, Flexibilität, Sicherheit und Effizienz der Grundpfandrechte in Europa” of the Verband deutscher Pfandbriefbanken in Berlin.

We congratulate Vincent on his appointment and are very proud of him joining the partnership!

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